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We believe in challenging the status quo. Our unique approach provides a customized method to efficient and successful long-term weight loss, complemented with the option for a long term support through our elevated maintenance program & PHD Alumni community. We are here to help you keep the weight off for good! The PHD approach not only focuses on optimal nutrition for each individual, but also on the mind and body as a whole.

We understand the change can be a challenging journey, but an exciting one that we will help you navigate – together.

Call (864) 644-1900


Request a Nutritionist Consultation

Simply fill out the form below and we’ll follow up to get you scheduled with one of our nutritionists. 

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Having gone through our own weight loss journeys, we pride ourselves on approaching your process with authenticity, honesty and grace.


95% of our clients have hit their optimal weight. We know what works, and we stand by our process knowing our clients reap the rewards of happier, healthier lives.


We admire each and every client that chooses to live a healthier life. From all of us at PHD Weight Loss, you have our upmost respect, and we're overjoyed to support you.

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Complete the form below to claim your FREE digital copy of 5 Steps to Reset the Scale!

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Complete the form below to claim your FREE digital copy of 5 Steps to Reset the Scale!

Your information will be kept strictly confidential.