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A quick, easy to read guide explaining the science behind why weight gain
REALLY happens (hint: it’s much more complicated than calories in and out).


A quick, easy to read guide explaining the science behind why weight gain REALLY happens (hint: it’s much more complicated than calories in and out).


• Why weight gain isn’t your fault.

• The 5 steps that allow for successful weight loss and maintenance.

• Potential roadblocks that likely have been preventing your weight loss success.

• Simple lifestyle strategies you can implement for a healthier body.

• Information about PHD Weight Loss.

All without a single mention of calories. If you or someone close to you is struggling with their weight, you must set aside an hour or two and read this important and impactful book.

Statistics show that 95% of diets we do on our own fail.


• Why weight gain isn’t your fault.

• The 5 steps that allow for successful weight loss and maintenance.

• Potential roadblocks that likely have been preventing your weight loss success.

• Simple lifestyle strategies you can implement for a healthier body.

• Information about PHD Weight Loss.

All without a single mention of calories. If you or someone close to you is struggling with their weight, you must set aside an hour or two and read this important and impactful book.

Statistics show that 95% of diets we do on our own fail


“I’ve struggled for years to lose weight. Dr. Lucas and PhD is the ONLY system that has worked. And it’s easy. 35lbs in 6 weeks. I will be indebted to her forever."

-Sebastian Gorka Ph.D., Former Presidential Deputy


PhD in Sports Nutrition and Chronic Disease Registered Dietitian (RD)

About Dr. Ashley Lucas

PHD Founder Dr. Ashley Lucas has 15+ years of education in nutrition and metabolism. She holds a PhD in Sports Nutrition and Chronic Disease and is a Licensed Registered Dietitian (RD). Dr. Lucas spent the first 25 years of her life participating in the rigorous training of her professional classical ballet career. This deeply-rooted “pursuit” was, for her, continuously met with injury and a constant fight with the ballet-specific body type. As a result, she retired from her professional dancing career, understood the importance nutrition played in her own athletic performance, and started along her path to becoming an expert in the field of nutrition and wellness.

Following years of research and clinical practice, Dr. Lucas developed PHD’s science-based approach that revolutionized the science of weight loss.

  • PHD in nutrition
  • Registered dietitian
  • 15+ years in education in nutrition and metabolism

PhD in Sports Nutrition and Chronic Disease Registered Dietitian (RD)

About Dr. Ashley Lucas

PHD Founder Dr. Ashley Lucas has 15+ years of education in nutrition and metabolism. She holds a PhD in Sports Nutrition and Chronic Disease and is a Licensed Registered Dietitian (RD). Dr. Lucas spent the first 25 years of her life participating in the rigorous training of her professional classical ballet career. This deeply-rooted “pursuit” was, for her, continuously met with injury and a constant fight with the ballet-specific body type. As a result, she retired from her professional dancing career, understood the importance nutrition played in her own athletic performance, and started along her path to becoming an expert in the field of nutrition and wellness.

Following years of research and clinical practice, Dr. Lucas developed PHD’s science-based approach that revolutionized the science of weight loss.

  • PHD in nutrition
  • Registered dietitian
  • 15+ years in education in nutrition and metabolism

What others are saying about
AMAZON BESTSELLER 5 Steps to Reset the Scale


I have been reading Dr. Ashley Lucas New Book and it is Wonderful. I realize a lot of what she talks about is New ideas and also the same as what she teaches you through her Amazing staff at PhD Weight Loss. This book for me has a lot of ideas and information that I can reference again and again, when I need to remind myself or to help me through an issue, I am having on my own Personal Life Changing Journey. I think this book is another Wonderful Tool to assist anyone going through their own Weight Loss Journey.

Andye W.

This book is a quick read but don’t be fooled because it’s packed with great information. Dr Lucas gives an insight to her beliefs and the proven track record of her unique program. I have been in the My PhD program for eight months now and down over 100 lbs but more importantly feeling great. I have more energy and fewer aches than I have had in the last 10-15 years. All my vitals are back in to the normal range on my last physical including my AC1 from 7 down to a safe 5.4 in that same timeframe. I never thought I would be able to give up my 2-3 sodas a day but within two months I had totally given it up. I do understand that this may not be for everyone but I promise you it can be for ANYONE. Start with the book and see where it leads you.

Tim N.

I couldn't wait to get this book, and now that I've read it cover-to-cover, I can't wait to share it! I started my journey with PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition April 2021, just a couple months after getting COVID. I had an extra 20 pounds I couldn't shed, and the "brain fog" from COVID was seriously affecting my ability to function after 3:00 in the afternoon. Little did I know, my body was full of inflammation. As someone who has done this program, I would absolutely recommend it. On a scale of 1-10, this program is a 30! What makes this book so great, is for those of you who are just too intimidated or scared to start, Dr. Ashley outlines the program for you in this book. I tell people all the time this is a comprehensive plan, Dr. Ashley does an amazing job in this book explaining why and how this is so much more than food. My advice, get the book, read it, and let the reality sink in. Then, call the office and make an appointment for your consultation. (Look on page 102 for some savings!). It is a call you will never regret.

Jolene W.

I've lost 133 pounds on the PHD program and still going! This program has completely changed my life. I'm able to play with my kids, sleep better, and my doctors are no longer concerned about my "numbers". But, mostly, I'm doing things I couldn't do 133 pounds ago, like riding roller coasters with my daughter. People tell me every day how good I look, and in the same breath ask me, "what are you doing?". I always answer,"PHD!" with a huge smile. But even on the program, I can't explain the program like this book can. So, if you are ready to change your life, buy this book. If you aren't sure yet and are exploring your options, buy the book and decide for yourself. The book isn't a replacement for the program, you have to do the work, but it will answer all your questions. Go get it today.

Angelo M.

Thank you Dr. Lucas for writing this book and bringing the PhD Weight loss philosophy to an easy to read informative platform accessible to everyone. The book is full of great information and thoughtful encouragement to help all of us “Level Up” in all aspects of our lives.


Dr. Lucas’ book is a concise primer on describing the journey towards a healthier lifestyle through the efforts of mindful, purposeful eating. The successes of her program are also mentioned in the book and as a client, I have bought into the idea that “if they can do it, I can do it!”(and I have!) Congrats Dr. Lucas and PHDWL on changing the lives of many many clients.


PHD Weight Loss made losing my excess fat fast and simple….and keeping it off for over two years now has been just as easy for me. My attention span is short and Dr Lucas wrote this book for people like me as she gets your attention quick and teaches you the PHD method of losing weight for life. Reading “5 Steps to Reset the Scale” is time well spent.


Dr. Lucas's words have always resonated with me, and here she does it again in such a clear and easy-to-read style! She explains and describes the science behind PHD in a way that just makes sense. Join the joyful and shame-free PHD family! I'm so glad I did.


Loved reading the book - especially now that I've completed my weight loss phase and am in the maintenance mode. I will give copies of this book to both my Internal Medicine Physician and my Endocrinologist. These two medical professionals monitored (and cheered) my weight loss journey on a weekly basis. They wish more of their patients would take this path toward weight loss.


This book is yet another very helpful resource and inspiration in the journey of weight loss and maintenance with PhD Nutrition since 2016. From the first moment of introductions with Dr. Lucas, I was listened to, encouraged, educated and nurtured. Now I have so much of that between 2 covers of a book rather than files of separate papers. I continue to answer a resounding “YES” to the 5 step relationship I have with my scale. With relief and gratitude..


5 Steps to Reset the Scale is a great, simple read. I am certain that anyone looking to lose weight and keep it off will find themselves in this book and want to join the PHD family as I did. As a Type II Diabetic, working with PHD has not only helped me lose weight, but reduced my A1c from 7.5 to 6.1.


A quick easy read that will take everything you thought you knew about losing weight and turn it upside down. Dr. Lucas’s book made us realize we can finally stop the diet roller coaster we were on and not only reach our goals, but maintain them for life.

Charlie & Debbie

Starting this plan is the smartest thing I've done in many, many years. And now I am proud to enthusiastically and officially endorse PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition on my radio show.


Awesome book! Love how this short book assimilates information I have been learning on my PhD Nationwide journey into one, easy to read place. Effective and LIVABLE approach to health and wellness…and you end up looking great too!


I can't wait to share this book with everyone I know that has said, "You look amazing, what are you doing?". I take every opportunity I can get to sing the praises of Dr. Ashley Lucas and the PHD approach. Why wouldn't I? Life is no longer overwhelming and tiresome. I look forward to every new day now. If you are like me and think, "I've tried, it's not going to work for me," buy this book. Dr. Ashley outlines the five steps and really takes the time to explain how it is so much more than just the food you eat. I'm sharing this book with every person that has asked me, "how'd you do it?". Don't wait another minute. BUY THIS BOOK and get started today.


As a Professor of Clinical Nutrition, a Registered Dietitian and client of PHD Weight Loss I wholeheartedly endorse Dr. Lucas's book. In a condensed and easy to read book she has explained the nutritional, biochemical, endocrine and psycho-social facts related to weight gain and the weight loss journey. If you are interested in losing weight and have tried and failed at other diets, I recommend this book and the program at PHD weight loss.


PhD is not just a weight loss program, but a “new life” program for me. It is the solution after a lifetime of weight loss and regain! Goodbye, forever, 50+ pounds. Thank you Dr. Lucas!


Fantastic, quick, easy, and impactful read! Changing my mindset to change my life was profound to me. "Letting go" of so many things in order to be the best version of me. Can't wait to share this with my family & friends!


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